Christian hymns and music for praise and worship by Ross Jutsum Christian hymns and music for praise and worship by Ross Jutsum

The Music of Ross Jutsum

Ross Jutsum served at Ambassador University for over 20 years. He served as a faculty member, Music Department Chairman and Minister of Music. He also wrote a large number of Christian hymns for the Worldwide Church of God hymnal that was published in 1993. With his permission, we will be posting many of those hymns here.

A Chosen Generation

Text based on I Peter 2:9-10

All Your Might

Text based on Ecclesiastes 9:10-11 11:9

By This Shall All Men Know

Text based on John 13:35-35

God Shall Wipe Every Tear

Text based on Isaiah 35:1-7 10 & Revelation 21:4

God's Everlasting Love

Text based on John 3:16 & Romans 8:31-39

Hearts of the Fathers

Text based on: Ps 127:3 & Malachi 4:1-6

Honor Your Father and Mother

Text based on: Ex 20:12, Matt 25:23, Lk 2:51-42, Jas 1:17

How Good and How Pleasant

Text based on: Ps 133 Jn 17 Eph 4 & 1 Jn 3:23 

If You Know These Things

Text based on Isaiah 1:18 & John 13:1-17 (footwashing)

I'll Never Leave You

Text based on Matthew 10:29-31, Jn 4:35 & Hebrews 13:5

It Won't Be Long Now

Text based on Isaiah 11:6-9 and Revelation 22:20

Let This Mind Be In You

Text based on Philippians 2:1-11

Let Us Keep the Feast

Various scriptures about Unleavened Bread

Pure Religion

Text based on James 1:17,27

Proclaim Holy Convocations

Text based on Leviticus 23 & Deuteronomy 30

Rejoice and be Glad

Text based on Matthew 5:3-9

Remember the Sabbath Day

Text based on Exodus 20:8-10 and others

Remember Your Creator

Text based on Proverbs 7:1-3 and other scriptures

The Mighty Prince of Peace

Text based on Isaiah 9:6

The Trumpet Shall Sound

Text based on I Cor 15:50-58

Think On These Things

Text based on Ephesians 5:19 & Philippians 4:8

NEW Won't It Be Great! Text based on Isaiah 2?4


Ross has now started a music ministry named "State of the Heart Ministry." Visit his web site for more information about his ministry and the services and products he offers. (Of special interest are several collections of CDs that contain musical accompaniment for many well known hymns, including many of his own songs from the 1993 hymnal.)

(Here's a link to Ross' web site. You can go from here, or from our links page)

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Page last modified on: 07/29/2004