Psalm 135

Words: Brady and  Tate, A New Version of the Psalms of David


   1  O Praise the Lord with one consent,
         and magnify his name;
      Let all the servants of the Lord
         his worthy praise proclaim.
   2  Praise him all ye that in his house
         attend with constant care;
      With those that to his outmost courts
         with humble zeal repair.
   3  For this our truest int'rest is,
         glad hymns of praise to sing;
      And with loud songs to bless his name,
         a most delightful thing.
   4  For God his own peculiar choice
         the sons of Jacob makes;
      And Israel's offspring for his own
         most valued treasure takes.
   5  That God is great we often have
         by glad experience found;
      And seen how he with wondrous pow'r
         above all gods is crowned.
   6  For he with unresisted strength
         performs his sov'reign will,
      In heav'n and earth, and wat'ry stores,
         that earth's deep caverns fill.
   7  He raises vapors from the ground,
         which, poised in liquid air,
      Fall down at last in show'rs, through which
         his dreadful lightnings glare.
   8  He from his storehouse brings the wind;
         and he with vengeful hand
      The first-born slew of man and beast
         thro' Egypt's mourning land.
   9  He dreadful signs and wonders showed
         thro' stubborn Egypt's coasts;
      Nor Pharaoh could his plagues escape,
         nor all his num'rous hosts.
10,11 'Twas he that various nations smote,
         and mighty kings suppressed;
      Sihon and Og, and all besides
         who Canaan's land possessed.
12,13 Their land upon his chosen race
         he firmly did entail;
      For which his fame shall always last,
         his praise shall never fail.
  14  For God shall soon his people's cause
         with pitying eyes survey;
      Repent him of his wrath, and turn
         his kindled rage away.
  15  Those idols, whose false worship spreads
         o'er all the heathen lands,
      Are made of silver and of gold,
         the work of human hands.
16,17 They move not their fictitious tongues,
         nor see with polished eyes;
      Their counterfeited ears are deaf,
         no breath their mouth supplies.
  18  As senseless as themselves are they
         that all their skill apply
      To make them, or in dang'rous times
         on them for aid rely.
  19  Their just returns of thanks to God
         let grateful Israel pay;
      Nor let the priests of Aaron's race
         to bless the Lord delay.
  20  Their sense of his unbounded love
         let Levi's house express;
      And let all those that fear the Lord
         his name for ever bless.
  21  Let all with thanks his wondrous works
         in Zion's courts proclaim;
      Let them in Salem, where he dwells,
         exalt his holy name.

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