Psalm 127       W.W.

Words: Sternhold and Hopkins, The Whole Book of Psalms Collected into English Metre


   1  Except the Lord the house doth make,
         and thereunto doth set his hand,
         What men do build, it cannot stand;
      likewise in vain men undertake
         cities and holds to watch and ward,
         except the Lord be their safeguard.
   2  Though in the morn ye rise early,
         and so at night go late to bed,
         Eating with carefulness your bread,
      your labor is but vanity:
         But they whom God doth love and keep,
         enjoy all things with quiet sleep.
   3  Therefore mark well when ye do see
         that men have hearts t'enjoy their land
         It is the gift of God's own hand:
      For God doth multiply to thee
         Of his great liberality,
         the blessing of posterity.
   4  And when the children come to age,
         they grow in strength and activeness,
         In person and in comeliness:
      So that a shaft shot with courage
         Of one that hath a most strong arm,
         flies not so swift, nor doth like harm.
   5  Oh, well is he that hath his quiver
         furnished with such artillery:
         For when in peril he shall be,
      such one shall never quake or shiver,
         When he doth plead before the judge
         against his foes that bear him grudge.

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